For Listening

Available on the YouTube channel of the Austrian Society for Contemporary Music:
As part of ORF musikprotokoll 2022, ÖGZM and Ensemble Zeitfluss present works by composer Gerd Kühr, who celebrates his 70th birthday in December. Two pieces in the program, which covers an exemplary creative period of 20 years, were composed especially for this occasion.
Ensemble Zeitfluss
Conductor: Edo Micic
7.10.2022, Helmut List Halle Graz

Available on myfidelio:
Available on myfidelio:
Ukrainian – Austrian concert with the RSO Vienna
The Ukrainian Institute has initiated a concert for May 29, 2019 at the RadioKulturhaus together together with the ORF Radio Symphony Orchestra Vienna and conducted by the British conductor Duncan Ward.. Programme: works by Ukrainian and Austrian composers from three eras, including “Movimenti”, the delicate, dreamlike violin concerto by Austrian composer Gerd Kühr.

Available on podcast of the Neue Oper Wien:
Gerd Kühr gives an introduction to his opera “Stallerhof”
The opera “Stallerhof” is NOW’s first production in 2022. In the current episode of “Klangreisen – Podcast der Neuen Oper Wien”, composer Gerd Kühr gives an introduction to his opera, which premiered in Munich in 1988.
Available on the Youtube channel of the Austrian Cultural Forum in Warsaw:
Gerd Kührs „Música Pura“ (2010/2011)
Conductor: Andrzej Bauer
The recording was part of the event
„Musica Pura aus Österreich | Bühne für Neue Musik“ on
1st December 2020 at the Nowego Teatru in Warsaw
Corona Meditation
Can be accessed via the Styriarte´s YouTube channel:
Gerd Kührs „Corona-Meditation“ (2020)
World premiere live on the Internet on 30th April 2020.
to listen via cultural broadcasting archive (cab):
The tenth programme of “Traumarsenal”- with Robert Desnos and the Corona Meditation created by Gerd Kühr.
Broadcast from 8th June 2020.
Available on the YouTube channel of the Austrian Society for Contemporary Music:
Gerd Kührs „Ohne Antwort“ (1993)
Ensemble Zeitfluss
Conductor: Edo Micic
Date: 4th April 2019
The recording was part of the “GRAZ MEETS SKOPJE” programme.
Available on the YouTube channel of the Austrian Society for Contemporary Music:
Gerd Kührs „Für Bläserquintett“ (1990)
Ensemble Zeitfluss
Conductor: Edo Micic
May 2018, Arnold Schönberg Center Vienna
An event promoted by ÖGZM (Austrian Society for Contemporary Music) in collaboration with Israel Composers´ League (ICL), Austrian Composers´ Association (ÖKB) and Arnold Schoenberg Center Vienna
NODES / KESHARIM – more informationen can be found here.